If you own a trademark and want to protect it, act now before someone else grabs it. We have compiled an initial list of recognized trademarks/brands that are only available to the trademark holders during our Sunrise period, which ends on March 10, 2023. If your trademark or brand name is not on our Sunrise list, CLICK HERE to add your mark to it now. We know our initial list may not have everyone on it, so we have a free and fast way for you to add yourself to it.
If the Infinity Domain™ you want is on our Sunrise list, secure the matching Infinity Domain™, and verify your trademark credentials with our validation agent, Deloitte. Any names that are NOT on our Sunrise list are available to anyone, so it is important to get your trademark or brand name on the Sunrise list today and register it before it becomes generally available.
There is no charge to add your trademark to our Sunrise list during our Sunrise period.