For a trademark registration exclusively consisting of letters, words, numerals and/or special characters, the recorded name of the mark is an identical match to the TLD as long as all characters are included in the trademark record provided and in the same order in which they appear on the trademark certificate. In the event that there is any doubt about the order in which they appear, the description provided by the trademark office will prevail.
For trademarks that do not exclusively consist of letters, words, numerals, special characters, the recorded name of the trademark is an identical match to the TLD as long as the name of the trademark includes letters, words, numerals, keyboard signs, and punctuation marks (“Characters”) that are: predominant; and clearly separable or distinguishable; and all predominant characters are included in the trademark record submitted in the same order they appear in the mark.
In the event no description is provided, such trademarks will be allocated to a third party team with thorough knowledge of both national and regional trademark law who will conduct independent research on how the trademark is used, e.g., check website, or alternatively request that the trademark holder provide additional documentary evidence on how the trademark is used.